August 2014: The
latest paper using StickWRLD - "StickWRLD as an Interactive Visual
Pre-Filter for Canceromics-Centric Expressioni Quantitative Trait Locus
Data" - will be published shortly in Cancer Informatics
June 2014: StickWRLD python source code is now available under the GNU General Public License - this version works for protein and nucleic acid data, as well as general categorical data, and includes a variety of demonstration files. Documentation for installation and running the demos is included in the tarball. See the Downloads page for the sourcecode as well as the StickWRLD manual and other handy utilities.
Older, unmaintained legacy versions of StickWRLD (including VRML
and JAVA versions) are still available on the Downloads page
For a given set of pre-aligned sequences, MAVL (Multiple Alignment Variation Linker) examines each pair of positions, and determines any pair of identities that occur with greater, or lesser frequency than a simple positional frequency matrix description would predict. The results are returned as a StickWRLD VRML graph, displaying the positional frequency matrix in a graphical form, and providing visual links between positions that have an over, or under-population greater than a user-specified cutoff. The diameter of the visual link is directly related to the percentage of the population that is not explained by the positional frequency matrix (default 10%).
“Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination”
--John Dewey