Publications using StickWRLD
Please let us know if you cite any of our papers or use StickWRLD in any of your own!
- Rumpf, R, Wolock, S, and Ray, WC. StickWRLD as an interactive visual pre-filter for canceromics-centric expression quantitative
trait locus data. Cancer Informatics 2014 (in press)
- Ray, WC, Wolock, SL, Callahan, NW, Dong, M, LI, QQ, Liang, C, Magliery, TJ, and Bartlett, CW. Addressing the unmet need for
visualizing conditional random fields in biological data. BMC Bioinformatics 2014, 15:202
- Ray, WC. StickWRLD: Interactive Visualization of massive parallel contingency data for Personalized Analysis to facilitate
Precision Medicine. 2013 AMIA Workshop on Visual Analytics in Health Care, Washington, DC, 11/2013
- Ray, WC. A Visual Analytics approach to identifying protein structural constraints. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on
Visual Analytics Science and Technology, IEEE VAST 2010, Salt Lake City, UTAH, USA, 24-29 October 2010, part of VisWeek 2010, 01/2010
- Ray, WC, Ozer, HG, Armbruster, DW, and Daniels, CJ. Beyond Identity - When Classical Homology Searching Fails, and What You Can Do
About It. Bioinformatics 2009. OCCBIO '09. Ohio Collaborative Conference 07/2009
- Ozer, HG, and Ray, WC. MAVL/StickWRLD: analyzing structural constraints using interpositional dependencies in biomolecular sequence alignments.
NAR 08/2006; 34(Web Server issue):W133-6
- Ray, WC. MAVL/StickWRLD for protein: visualizing protein sequence families to detect non-consensus features. NAR 08/2005: 33(Web Server issue):W315-9
- Ray, WC. MAVL and StickWRLD: visually exploring relationships in nucleic acid sequence alignments. NAR 08/2004; 32(Web Server issue):W59-63.